ObEN正在和美国最古老、最负盛名的教学及研究医院集团之一的MedStar乔治敦医院和MedStar健康研究所建立合作,研究如何使用个性化人工智能(PAI)健康助手帮助患有慢性疾病的患者,例如心脏衰竭。ObEN开发了一种基于虚拟形象(Avatar)的创新型患者护理管理系统(称为PAI Care),该系统使医生能够将医疗服务扩展到患者家中,从而降低患者在家中出现紧急健康状况的风险,避免昂贵的急诊费用和住院准备。这是官方的合作声明:
PAI Care是为每个医疗机构定制的移动应用程序,根据既定的每日健康疗程监测患者的症状和健康状况。应用程序中的护士PAI 头像(称为Tara)可以向患者询问一系列问题,从而检查患者是否有遵守医生的指示,例如监测体重,按时服药以及管理和报告食物摄取。患者的反应会立即传输到远程患者管理中心,并显示在患者监视仪表板中。该仪表板会用不同的颜色显示患者状况,从满意(绿色)到严重(红色)。若其发现患者病情严重,会立马触发信息传送和电子邮件警报,来提醒健康监测员并与医生取得联系,进行立即随访。PAI Care 并不是要取代紧急警报系统,而是作为一个有用的辅助工具,可以帮助医生在病情恶化之前及时发现病情并进行控制和治疗。
这是PAI Care的产品体验视频 :
目前,MedStar-乔治敦 和ObEN正在进行多项语音和PAI Care虚拟形象支持的医疗保健研究,其中包括从美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)获得资金投入。NIH是负责生物医学和公共卫生研究的美国政府主要机构,也是其中世界领先的医学研究机构之一。PAI Care用于远程患者管理的应用案例页可以扩展到其他医学专业和医疗保健提供者。我们将会在今天的另一篇推送中介绍PAI Care的解决方案和潜在用例,欢迎大家查看。
医疗应用程序开发人员、医院和护理小组可以利用PAI Care为自己的远程患者管理提供解决方案。我们也十分有兴趣了解更多可以将PAI Care带入世界各地的想法,并希望可以与潜在的合作伙伴就改善生活和护理质量的方法进行合作。
同时,我们非常期待PAI Care的技术和解决方案能够应用于全球抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎(2019-nCov)的战役中,欢迎大家与我们联系并合作。您可以通过给我们的微信公众号留言或者email 联系ObEN(contact@oben.com)获取更多PAI Care的信息并与我们合作。
PAI Care – Personal AI Avatar-Hosted Wellness Assistants for Remote Patient Monitoring
ObEN partnered with MedStar Georgetown Hospital and MedStar Health Research Institute, one of the oldest and most prestigious teaching and research hospital groups in the US, for a study on the use of Personal AI (PAI) wellness assistants for patients living with chronic conditions such as heart failure. ObEN developed an innovative Avatar-based patient care management system (called PAI Care) that allows doctors to extend their medical care to the patient’s home reducing the chance of relapse of patient’s health while at home and costly emergency visits and/or hospital readmittance. Here is the official announcement:
ObEN Creates Healthcare Avatar for MedStar Health Heart Disease Study
PAI Care is a mobile app customized to each healthcare organization, used to monitor patients’ symptoms and state of health daily based on a prescribed daily health routine. A nurse’s PAI avatar (refered to as Tara) in the app asks the patient a series of questions designed to check how well the patient is adhering to the doctor’s instructions such as monitoring their weight, taking medications on time, and managing and reporting their food intake. The patient’s responses are transmitted immediately to a remote patient management center and displayed in a patient monitoring dashboard that displays the condition of the patient color-coded from Satisfactory (Green) to Critical (Red). Patients whose responses identify their case as critical also trigger immediate text and email alerts to health monitors on-call who contact the doctors for immediate follow-up. PAI Care is not meant to be a replacement for an emergency alert system but a very useful tool to help doctors detect worsening patient conditions before they happen and to intervene to correct the situation.
MedStar-Georgetown and ObEN are conducting several voice and PAI Care avatar-enabled healthcare studies which include grant funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH), the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and public health research and one of the world’s leading medical research institutions. The use of PAI Care for remote patient management can be extended to other medical specialities and healthcare providers. We will publish another article today to introduce our silutions andpotential use cases with additional information on PAI Care.
Medical application developers, hospitals, and physician groups can build on and extend PAI Care for their own remote patient management solutions. We are interested in hearing ideas on ways to bring PAI Care to life in different parts of the world and also collaborating with potential partners on it in ways to improve quality of life and care.
At the same time, we look forward to PAI Care’s technology and solutions can be applied in the global battle against 2019-nCov, welcome everyone to contact us and cooperate. Contact ObEN (contact@oben.com) for additional information and the collaborations on PAI Care.
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