● 新修订的中文混合共识路线图已包含在这次公告,感谢您的耐心。
● 为了鼓励更多的参与者,我们将无限期延长所有Project PAI开发挑战赛的截止日期。收到足够数量的参与后,我们将在将来宣布截止日期。欢迎随时将您的工作提交到 challenge@projectpai.com。
● 请记住:所有高质量的提交将获得1,500 PAI的奖励,而最佳提交将获得15,000 PAI的大奖。不要错过!
● 提醒:如果需要跨多个设备访问PAI Up钱包,则PAI Up Web网络钱包是很好的方式。您可以从所有主流网络浏览器安全地发送,接收和管理您的PAI硬币。点击wallet.paiup.com来访问您的钱包
● 还在犹豫今晚晚餐搭配哪一款酒么? 来问pAIr.bot吧,这是Lanier AI Labs的最新产品。
PAI Coin Pool 黄金会员
近期收到了很多关于PCP gold的问题,下面我们一一作答。
目前尚无开发时间表。PCP Gold目前处于研究和产品开发阶段。混合共识硬分叉完成后,核心贡献者将专注于其他 Project PAI 的研发计划,可能包括PCP Gold,但不能保证PCP Gold会被实施。这取决于对PCP Gold感兴趣的用户数量。
如果您通过https://gold.paicoinpool.com注册,则在开发状态更新时,您将收到有关PCP Gold的电子邮件。敬请关注
此外,如果PCP Gold面世,则所有通过https://gold.paicoinpool.com进行注册的用户都将获得会员费打折。
PAI名人系列直播将成为PCP黄金会员产品的一部分。如果PCP Gold面世,则只有PCP Gold会员才能访问和观看某些直播。最近与NBA培训师Rob Mac和顶级厨师Ron Duprat一起进行的Live Stream活动旨在预告,让每个人看到PCP Gold用户能观看的内容的类型。希望大家都能享受其中。
PCP 黄金会员抢鲜体验:
我们希望以上PCP黄金会员常见问题解答有助于您消除一些困惑。如果您想了解有关未来发展的更多信息,请注册PCP Gold抢先体验!
(PAI Coin Pool 黄金会员抢先体验)
如果PAI Coin Pool总质押值增加超过一定界限值,所有PAI用户将有机会通过质押质押获得更多PAI币。
6430万 PAI (相比上周增长0.6%)
7500万 PAI
100 PAI (+33%)
下面是目前所有正在进行的Project PAI挑战项目列表。截止日期马上就要到了,请记得尽快提交哦!有关各项目的详细介绍,请查看7月27日的Project PAI 项目进度。
名称 | 类别 | 截止日期 | 参与奖励 | 最终获奖奖励 |
PCP UI/UX 设计 | 设计/产品 | 待定 | 1,500 PAI | 15,000 PAI |
PoUW Docker机器设置 | 代码编程 | 待定 | 1,500 PAI | 6,000 PAI |
PoUW 拜占庭探测器 | 代码编程/科研 | 待定 | 1,500 PAI | 6,000 PAI |
PoUW 通用计算 | 代码编程 | 待定 | 1,500 PAI | 6,000 PAI |
PoUW格拉法纳(Grafana)仪表板 | 代码编程 | 2020年9月25日 | 1,500 PAI | 30,000 PAI |
PoUW 默克尔历史记录 | 代码编程/科研 | 2020年10月23日 | 1,500 PAI | 60,000 PAI |
PAI 混合共识
Project PAI核心开发人员已经发布了9月混合共识开发计划图。硬分叉暂定将于9月30日进行(请注意,只有在PAI区块链达到特定的高度/长度(而不是在特定的日期和时间)时才可以调度该硬分叉。)
下面是我们开发人员在上周的一些提交/ 更新:
● 在paicoin中添加了新参数,用于指定SV购买的奖励地址;
● 实施了用于在Android电子钱包中启用权益功能的JNI代码;
● 在移动钱包中为权益交易类实现了UI指示器;
● 在手机钱包中添加了testnet启用设置和代码;
● 在C#代码中修改了SHAKE256的应用;
● 致力于混合共识的序列化;
● 打造了普通模式和混合模式的开关模式逻辑;
● 删除了RemoveForReorg TODO中未成熟的质押支出;
● 构建功能测试以调试”非广播投票”/撤销TX的问题
欢迎来 PAI 论坛 发表!
PAI News – September 7, 2020
● A newly revised Hybrid Launch Roadmap and Timeline in Mandarin has been included in this newsletter. Thank you for your patience.
● To encourage more participation, the deadlines for ALL Project PAI DeveloperChallenge has been extended indefinitely. We will announce a cutoff date in the future, once an adequate number of submissions have been received. Submit your work any time tochallenge@projectpai.com.
○ Remember: All high-quality submissions will be rewarded with 1,500 PAI and the best submission is eligible for a Grand Prize of 15,000 PAI. Don’t miss out!
● Reminder: If you need to access your PAI Up Wallet across multiple devices, the PAI Up Web Wallet is another way to do so. You can send, receive, and manage your PAI Coin securely from all major web browsers. Access your wallet on now at wallet.paiup.com
● Not sure which wine to drink with dinner tonight? Ask pAIr.bot, the newest offering from Lanier AI Labs.
PAI Weekly Updates
PAI Coin Pool
PAI Coin Pool Gold
We heard you had some questions about PCP Gold. So, we’re here to answer them!
When will PCP Gold be launched?
There is no development timeline yet. PCP Gold is currently in a research and product development stage. Once the Hybrid hard fork is completed, the Core Contributors will focus on other Project PAI initiatives, possibly including PCP Gold, but there is no guarantee that PCP Gold will ever be implemented. It depends on the amount of interest shown from PCP users.
What is the purpose of the sign-up form at https://gold.paicoinpool.com?
We are simply collecting a list of community members that might want to use PCP Gold. This allows us to gauge interest, and if the project is green lit, collect feedback on product design, and what features to include, from the people who will actually be using PCP Gold.
If you signed up through https://gold.paicoinpool.com, you will receive an email about PCP Gold when there is a status update on development. Stay tuned.
Further, if PCP Gold is launched, all users who signed up through https://gold.paicoinpool.com will be entitled to a discounted membership fee.
What is the purpose of the PAI Celebrity Series Live Streams?
The PAI Celebrity Series Live Streams will be a part of the PCP Gold offering. If PCP Gold is launched, only PCP Gold members will be able to access and view certain live streams. The recent Live Stream events with NBA Skills Trainer Rob Mac & Top Chef Ron Duprat were intended to be teasers to allow everyone to see the type of content that would be available through a PCP Gold subscription. The purpose of them is for you all to enjoy them!
PCP Gold Early Access
We hope that the above PCP Gold FAQ helped clear up some of your confusion. Please consider signing up for PCP Gold Early Access if you’re interested in learning more about future developments!
Tiered Staking Rewards
All users have the opportunity to earn more PAI Coin through staking if the total amount staked increases past certain thresholds.
Current total amount staked:
64.3 million PAI (+0.6% since last week)
Next threshold:
75 million PAI
Block reward will increase to:
100 PAI (+33%)
Stake more today!
Ongoing Challenges
Here’s a complete list of all the ongoing Project PAI challenges. The deadlines are approaching quickly, so submit your work soon! Project descriptions are available in the July 27 Newsletter.
PAI Hybrid Consensus
The Project PAI Core Developers have released the September roadmap for Hybrid Consensus launch. The hard fork is tentatively scheduled for September 30 (Note that it is only possible to schedule the fork to occur when the PAI Blockchain reaches a specific height/length, not at a specific date and time.)
Here’s a more detailed snapshot of development progress being made:
●Added new parameter in paicoin for specifying the reward address on SV purchases;
●Implemented JNI code for enabling stake features in the Android wallet;
●Implemented UI indicator for the stake transaction class in the mobile wallets;
●Added testnet enabling settings and code in the mobile wallets;
●Modified SHAKE256 implementation in C#;
●Worked on serialization for hybrid consensus;
●Worked on switch mode logic for normal mode vs hybrid mode;
●Removed immature stake spends in RemoveForReorg TODO;
●Building functional test to debug issue of non-broadcasted vote/revoke txs
Questions? Comments? Feedback?
Sound off on PAI Forum!
Thank you for your support!
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