Project PAI 项目进度- 2020年10月12日

Project PAI 项目进度- 2020年10月12日



PAI币主网硬分叉已在2020年10月6日世界标准时间晚上11:16 PAI (北京时间10月7日早上7:16)在PAI区块链达到高度154,550时完成。


过渡期(ITP)已经于2020年10月11日世界标准时间晚9:48 PM(北京时间10月12日早5:48 AM),当PAI区块链达到区块高度155,718时顺利完成。

PAI 区块链现在是一个不受限公开挖矿/质押的真正的去中心化区块链

●PAI Up iOS现在可以在Apple App Store中使用(由于本地法律在中国大陆不可用)。请在App Store 美国区进行下载,下载链接为:


● PAI Up Android即将在Google Play商店中正式上市。请继续关注进一步的更新。

● 从2020年10月13日世界标准时间下午7点(北京时间10月14日凌晨3:00)开始,将恢复PAI币池的充值和提现。

● 目前,PAI币池区块奖励已经增加。

○对于PAI Coin Pool开采的每个区块,分配给矿工的600 PAI区块奖励的奖励将在参与挖矿的PCP用户中按比例分配。


■ 所有奖励均需支付2.5%的矿池管理费用。


● 如何准备混合共识硬分叉(最新版)

● 如何设置和维护PAI币全节点

● 混合共识分叉之后,PCP PAI币池中的挖矿和质押将如何变化?

● 独立质押教程:即将推出!

● 独立挖矿教程:今天发布


如果您使用PAI Up 移动App钱包,请按照此教程写下您的助记词。 您需要用它来在新版本的PAI Up(一个单独的移动应用程序)和/或 PAI Up 网页钱包(上面恢复您的钱包。

写下您的PAI Up 钱包助记词

在您的PAI Up 移动App钱包中,进入” 菜单→安全设置→助记词→再次写下助记词”。接下来输入您的PIN,然后记录下显示的12个单词并将其存储在安全的地方。

Project PAI 项目进度- 2020年10月12日

PAI Up 网页钱包

通过 登录到您的钱包。在信息中心中,点击屏幕左侧菜单中的安全中心。向下滚动并单击”备份”或”再次备份”(如果您之前已经做过),然后单击”获取纸张密钥”。写下纸笔的前4个字,单击”下4个字”,然后继续进行操作,直到写下所有12个字。最后,点击完成并验证,然后输入提示您的单词。将它们存放在安全的地方。

Project PAI 项目进度- 2020年10月12日


设置一个完整的节点并获得666 PAI的PAI Coin Pool 奖金!请根据此教程搭建完整节点,然后请您用与您的PCP帐户相关联的电子邮件地址发送电子邮件至:




PAI 混合共识

下面是我们开发人员在上周的一些提交/ 更新:

●在PAI Miner中实现了分叉检测和挖掘算法切换;

●在PAI Miner中为权益感知采矿实施了新的单元测试用例;

●准备发布iOS版PAI Up;

●更新了适用于Android的PAI Up钱包;

●调查了手机钱包和PAI Miner的错误;




●经过测试的完整系统,包括pai-miningcore,cpuminer和paicoin / hybrid-consensus




欢迎来 PAI 论坛 发表!

Project PAI 项目进度- 2020年10月12日


PAI News – October 12, 2020

Announcements & Reminders

The PAI Coin Mainnet Hard Fork occurred when the PAI Blockchain reached height 154,550 at 11:16 PM UTC on October 6, 2020.

Here is the first block after the fork:

This began the Interim Transition Period (ITP), throughout which Stake Voucher purchases, Stake Voucher voting, and public mining were incrementally enabled.

The ITP concluded when the PAI Blockchain reached height 155,718 which occurred at 9:48 PM UTC on October 11, 2020.

PAI Coin is now a truly decentralized blockchain with completely unrestricted public mining and staking.

●PAI Up iOS is now available in the Apple App Store . Download it here:

○Please rate PAI Up 5 stars and write a good review in the Apple App Store!

●PAI Up Android is IN REVIEW for official listing in the Google Play Store. Stay tuned for further updates.

●PAI Coin Pool deposits and withdrawals will be resumed starting at 7 PM UTC on October 13, 2020.

●Upon conclusion of the ITP, PAI Coin Pool block rewards will increase.

○For every block that PAI Coin Pool mines, 600 PAI Coin of the block reward allotted to miners will be distributed proportionally across PCP users that are actively mining.

○For every block that PAI Coin Pool successfully votes on, the amount of the 900 PAI Coin of the block reward allotted to stake vouchers that PAI Coin Pool held will be distributed proportionally across PCP users that have open stakes.

■All rewards are subject to a 2.5% pool fee.

More Information about the ongoing transition to Hybrid Consensus:

●How to prepare for the Hybrid Consensus hard fork:…

●How to setup and maintain a PAI Coin Full Node:…

●How mining and staking on PAI Coin Pool will change after the Hybrid Fork:…

●How to solo stake: Coming soon!

●How to solo mine:…

Check out for a live countdown to upcoming blockchain events and a record of past events!

As always, if you use PAI Up Mobile or Web, remember to WRITE DOWN YOUR PAPER KEY according to the instructions below.

Write Down Your PAI Up Paper Key

PAI Up Mobile

In your PAI Up Mobile, go to Menu → Security Settings → Paper Key → Write Down Paper Key Again. Enter your PIN, then physically write down the 12 words that are displayed and store them in a safe place.

PAI Up Web

Sign in to your wallet at From the dashboard, click Security Center in the Menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Scroll down and click Backup or Backup Again (if you’ve done it before), then click Get Paper Key. Write down the first 4 words of your paper key, click Next 4 Words, and proceed until you’ve written down all 12 words. Finally, click Finish & Verify, and enter the words you’re prompted for. Store them in a safe place.


●Set up a full node and earn a PAI Coin Pool bonus of 666 PAI!

Set up a full node according to these instructions, then email promotions@projectpai.comfrom the email address associated with your PCP account. In the email, include the IP address or URL of your full node. We will reply with further instructions on how to claim your reward.

PAI Weekly Updates

PAI Hybrid Consensus

Here’s a snapshot of development work the team has been focused on:

●Implemented fork detection and mining algorithm switch in PAI Miner;

●Implemented new unit test cases for stake aware mining in PAI Miner;

●Prepared release of PAI Up for iOS;

●Updated PAI Up wallet for Android;

●Investigated bugs with the mobile wallet and PAI Miner;

●Fixed all failing unit tests in lottery_tests, miner_tests, ticket_tests, pow_tests;

●Ongoing work to fix functional tests;

●Tested new pai-miningcore payment processor rules;

●Tested full system composed of pai-miningcore, cpuminer and paicoin/hybrid-consensus

Questions? Comments? Feedback?

Sound off on PAI Forum!

Thank you for your support!


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