paicoin-cli stop #停止节点当前运行
git pull #从paicoin仓库中获取最新变化
git checkout 2.1.0 #切换到最新版本
make clean #卸载以前的版本
make #编译新版本
sudo make install #在系统级别安装
paicoind #重新启动您的节点
1. 在下面的链接下载脚本:
2. 然后您可以:
a. 将脚本上传到用于质押的完整节点,或者;
b. 将其内容复制并粘贴到名为 voter_check.py 的完整节点上的新文件中。
3. 运行以下命令以正确的依赖关系执行脚本(这些命令假定 voter_check.py 和 paicoin 目录都位于用户主目录中(〜),并且您的用户主目录是您当前的工作目录 pwd):
sudo apt install python3
cd paicoin
sudo make install
cd ..
python3 voter_check.py
● PAI Up iOS现已在 Apple App Store美国区中提供:
○ 在此处下载PAI Up iOS:
● Google Play商店现已提供PAI Up Android:
○ 在此处下载PAI Up Android:
● 移动钱包链接 paiup.com
● 演示版本所述的PAI数据协议现在可用于测试,使用户能够尝试使用加密和存储数据的 PDP2协议规范。它目前用于PAI Pass等服务。
○ 请在这里测试PAI数据协议:
● 如何准备混合共识硬分叉(最新版)
● 如何设置和维护PAI币全节点
● 混合共识分叉之后,PCP PAI币池中的挖矿和质押将如何变化?
● 独立挖矿教程(最新版)
● 独立质押教程:
PAI倒计时 (paicountdown.com) 已更新为第一次区块奖励减半
Project PAI 已上线火币全球站”存储板块”。现在,您可以在火币全球站app首页的”存储板块”中交易PAI币。
设置一个完整的节点并获得666 PAI的PAI Coin Pool 奖金!请根据此教程搭建完整节点,然后请您用与您的PCP帐户相关联的电子邮件地址发送电子邮件至:
●当前权益凭证价格:29,663 PAI
如何将PAI Up Mobile连接到特定节点?
如果无法同步PAI Up或您的PAI电子钱包在同步后仍然显示不正确的数据,将如何解决?
微信等传统应用程序通过连接到中央服务器,以检索和上传新数据,例如传入和传出消息,或来自其他用户的新时刻。PAI Up不能那样工作。由于PAI区块链是分散的去中心化网络,因此没有中央服务器。但是每个PAI币全节点都像一个中央服务器,并且当您启动PAI Up时,该应用程序必须(基本上是随机地)选择要连接的完整节点。
如果您与该节点的连接较差(例如,由于其物理距离较远),或者该节点发生问题(例如,由于其所有者未正确维护它),则PAI Up可能无法正常工作。在这种情况下,您应该手动重新连接到其他节点。下面是教程:
从PAI的主屏幕上→ 菜单 → 首选项 → PAI币设置 → PAI币节点。
现在,记下”当前主节点”,然后选择”切换到手动模式”。从那里,在顶部字段中输入以下节点之一(与上一个屏幕中的”当前主节点”不匹配),然后选择”确定”。您可以直接输入URL或IP地址。 然后,确保”节点连接状态”显示为”已连接”。如果不是,或者在”已连接”和”正在连接”之间,请从下面的列表中选择一个不同的节点,然后重复该过程。
如果这些仍然无效,请您尝试卸载并重新安装PAI Up。
PAI 混合共识
下面是我们开发人员在上周的一些提交/ 更新:
● [PoUW]通过使用历史记录Merkle树简化了消息历史记录;
● [PoUW]用Keras代替MXNet,以获得更高的机器学习抽象层;
● [PoUW]调查解决网络难度问题;
● [PoUW]Kubernetes运行环境的设置和调整
欢迎来 PAI 论坛 发表!
PAI News – November 23, 2020
Announcements & Reminders
PAI Coin 2.1.0 is here! UPDATE TODAY.
If you are running a full node, solo staking, and/or solo mining, you must immediately update to 2.1.0.
To update, execute the following commands in the paicoin directory of your full node.
paicoin-cli stop # stop the node from currently running
git pull # pull the latest changes from the paicoin repo
git checkout 2.1.0 # switch to the latest release
make clean # uninstall your previous build
make # compile the new release
sudo make install # install at the system level
paicoind # restart your node
For ALL solo stakers: Make sure your node is online and voting!
Execute this script on your staking node.
Here’s how:
1.Download the script from here.
a.Upload the script to the full node you use for staking, or;
b.Copy and paste its contents into a new file on the full node named voter_check.py
3.Run the following commands to execute the script with the correct dependencies (these commands assume that voter_check.py and your paicoin directory are both located in your user home directory (~), and that your user home directory is your present working directory, pwd):
sudo apt install python3
cd paicoin
sudo make install
cd ..
python3 voter_check.py
●PAI Up iOS is now available in the Apple App Store
○Download PAI Up iOS here:
●PAI Up Android is now available in the Google Play Store.
○Download PAI Up Android here:
You can also download the Android APK version and follow the mobile wallet links on paiup.com
●A demo version of the The PAI Data Protocol is now available to test, enabling users to try to encrypt and store data using the PDP2 protocol specification. It’s currently used for services such as PAI Pass.
Test out the PAI Data Protocol here today:
Check out this information about the ongoing transition to Hybrid Consensus:
●How to prepare for the Hybrid Consensus hard fork:
●How to setup and maintain a PAI Coin Full Node:
●How mining and staking on PAI Coin Pool will change after the Hybrid Fork:
●How to solo stake:
●How to solo mine:
●Set up a full node and earn a PAI Coin Pool bonus of 666 PAI! Set up a full node according to these instructions, then email promotions@projectpai.com from the email address associated with your PCP account. In the email, include the IP address or URL of your full node. We will reply with further instructions on how to claim your reward.
Staking on PAI Coin Pool
Staking on PAI Coin Pool works via a mechanism called Staking By Proxy. Staking By Proxy functions by pooling together all staked user funds in order to purchase more and higher-valued stake vouchers on the PAI Blockchain. Rewards are then distributed among stakers proportional to the amount their stake contributed to the pool. This mechanism is particularly beneficial for users who may not own enough PAI to purchase at least one stake voucher on their own, e.g., because the stake voucher price is too high. On the other hand, when the stake voucher price is low, there is little advantage to having a large pool of funds, since, by rule, the total number of stake vouchers that can be purchased across the entire network is limited to 20. So, as the stake voucher price increases, the advantages (and reward amounts) associated with PCP staking will increase substantially. For more information, seelast week’s newsletter.
PAI Coin Pool Stake Voucher Stats
●Current Stake Voucher Price: 29,663 PAI
●Percentage of live Stake Vouchers owned by PAI Coin Pool: 29%
●Total number of live Stake Vouchers: 69,243
●Total amount of stake rewards earned by PAI Coin Pool to date: 1.37 million PAI
How to connect PAI Up Mobile to a specific node?
Follow these instructions if you are unable to sync PAI Up or if your PAI Wallet still displays incorrect data after a sync.
Traditional apps, like WeChat, connect to a central server to retrieve and upload new data like incoming and outgoing messages, or new Moments from other users. PAI Up doesn’t work like that. Since the PAI Blockchain is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, there is no central server. But every PAI Coin Full Node acts like a central server, and when you launch PAI Up, the app has to choose—basically, at random—which Full Node to connect to.
If your connection to the node is poor (for example, because it’s physically far away), or there happens to be something wrong with that node (for example, because its owner is not properly maintaining it), PAI Up might not work well. In this case, you should manually reconnect to a different node. Here’s how.
From the main screen of PAI Up → Menu → Preferences → PAI Coin Settings → PAI Coin Nodes.
Now, take note of the “Current Primary Node,” then choose “Switch to Manual Mode.” From there, enter one of the following nodes (one that doesn’t match the Current Primary Node from the previous screen) in the top field and choose “OK.” You can enter either the URL or the IP address directly. Then, make sure the “Node Connection Status” shows “Connected.” If it doesn’t, or if it oscillates between “Connected” and “Connecting,” choose a different node from the list below and repeat the process.
Official PAI Coin Nodes
If these tips still don’t work, try uninstalling and reinstalling PAI Up.
PAI Weekly Updates
PAI Hybrid Consensus
Here’s a snapshot of development work the team has been focused on:
●[PoUW] worked on simplifying message history by using history Merkle trees;
●[PoUW] replacing MXNet with Keras for a higher Machine Learning abstraction layer;
●[PoUW] investigation into solving the network difficulty problem;
●[PoUW] setup and adjustments of the Kubernetes running environment
Questions? Comments? Feedback?
Sound off on PAI Forum!
Thank you for your support!
本文由用户:麦妖榜 发布,不代表网站的立场,转转请注明出处:http://www.maiyaotop.com/block/pai/94722.html